Don't Watch, Change Channel
Fox, 2009
Animated sitcoms are a dime a dozen. We're seen the dominant mainstay like the Simpsons, the fan favorite like Family Guy, the scrappers who keep on fighting like Futurama, and even the lovable losers like the Crtic. The past 20 years of the animated sitcom boom has given us plenty of laughs, but even more annoyed sighs. Not every show can be a legend like the Simpsons, or even a beloved cult show like Mission Hill. For most animated sitcoms, they just plain suck, and are doomed to join animated sitcom Hell, joining such well known losers like Capitol Critters, Fish Police, Family Dog, The PJs, God, The Devil and Bob, and in the case of last year, The Goode Family, and the cartoon in question this week, Sit Down, Shut Up.
In 2009, Fox said goodbye to one of it's most beloved animated mainstays, in Mike Judge's King of the Hill. After a successful 13 season run, the show was seeing its way out the door so that Seth Macfarlane can whore out the Family Guy universe even further with The Cleveland Show. And while i have grown to enjoy the Cleveland Show, it certainly is no King of the Hill. But with Cleveland slated for September, and KOTH ending in April of 09, something needed to fill the void. Enter Sit Down, Shut Up. An American attempt at reviving an Australian animated show, and filling it up with a powerhouse star supply. With the likes of Will Arnett, Kenan Thompson, Will Forte, Henry Winkler, how could you go wrong? Well considering you're taking your idea directly from a cartoon that failed in its homeland of Australia, one would pretty much bet that lightning probably won't strike twice.
Hell, i remember when i first caught this show, and I turned the channel after a few minutes of the first act. The lack of humor, lame entendres, and lame stereotypes were enough to turn me off, and wish for it's quick but still agonizing death. Turning back around the end of the episode after feeling like maybe I was too harsh on it already, I would soon realize, maybe i should've kept the channel changed. And surprisingly, I wasn't alone, as this show saw 4 episodes come to air on Fox's "Animation Domination" block, before being dropped from the network entirely, only to return and die on a late Saturday night slot.
But, how could a show with some of the Arrested Development cast, Tom Kenny, and other talented actors and actresses be a monumental failure? Well, let's.... ugh... Sit Down, Shut Up, and review Sit Down, Shut Up.

So we open our show as we meet the colorful cast of teachers and faculty of Knob Haven High School, which is in Knob Haven Florida. One second in, and already we see this shows modus operandi in terms of humor. Tons and tons of dick jokes. Then again, i guess Knob Haven isn't as foolish a name as Stoolbend. As we meet our first character, the English teacher Ennis Hofftard, who informs a group of passing cyclers to make way for someone with a little nut ack.

Get it? 29 seconds in, and already 2 dick jokes.

We also learn of his catchphrase. In fact, all the characters have catchphrases. I'm guessing this was more of an attempt to mock the whole idea of character catchphrases, but it's still kinda dumb. At least try to make them sound like a catchphrase.

And what silly sitcom would be complete without an Muslim stereotype? I know he's not trying to behead the New Kids on the Block, but still, yeesh.

And the silliness still does not cease as we meet the stereotypically gay Drama teacher, and the overly manly female librarian. As well as the loser German teacher who hates his life.

As well as God horny hippie Science teacher (Named Miracle Grohe.), and her baby which is smarter than her. And the only somewhat competent teacher of the bunch, the P.E Teacher...
Named Larry Littlejunk.

And finally the acting principal, Sue Sezno (Who's catchphrase is....... "no"), and the assistant principal... oh, wait.... ASS principal Stuart Proszakian, who was a former prison clown, and is the overly oblivious one of the bunch.
And there's the first 5 minutes of the show, and your cast of colorful, yet unlikeable characters. Another thing you probably noticed by now is that the backgrounds are all actual photographed places. In one way, it actually is an interesting idea, but on the other hand, it kinda makes the show feel that much more cheap.
So we get to the actual plot of the episode as Principal Sezno informs Larry and Ennis about the school's plan to fire one of the teachers, and Happy the Muslim custodian's discovery of drugs in a student's locker room. So, she decides to give the pills to Miracle the science teacher to see what they are. And as Larry tells us, she's an idiot who only got the science job by stripping to prove she wasn't made by a monkey.

And we move on to our next plot point as German teacher William Deutschebog, as he gives our blatantly ignorant to the world around him English teacher Ennis his porno mags to get rid of. not hearing him, he informs some kids about the mags. Back to the main plot, as Miracle informs Larry and Sue that after listening to the stars, she believes the pills are steroids. But Larry doesn't believe it due to the students at the school being terrible at every sport. And being that the school is corrupt, Sue thinks it's best that they use the steroids on the students so they can win a football game for once. Though Larry believes it best to test them on an adult first. And they decide that the goofy ass. principal should be the guinea pig, as they make him assistant coach. And back to the 2nd plot point, as Ennis continues to blurt out that William has porn. Larry learns that the real reason that most of the football team suck is due to Miracle's starvation drive...

and that the pills are apparently estrogen, and not steroids. And despite Stuart's new set, the football team still ends up losing. and Willard gets fired for his porn.
And that's the first episode of Sit Down, Shut Up. And..... It was pretty dull. other than the terrible plot, annoying characters, and the constant entendres, I wasn't impressed, and it wasn't enough for me to give a damn to watch the week after.
So yeah, a pretty quick induction this time around, but don't fret. the next review should be much more exciting. So Stay Tuned.... Is a really good movie starring John Ritter. Go watch that some time between now, and Thursday.