Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Taste of the New Generation: Shadow of Hulkamania: WWF Monday Night Raw: February 15th, 1993

WWF Raw returns after a two week break to the Manhattan Center. The reason behind the break would be one that the show will know quite well in the many years to come as the USA network aired the 1993 Westminster Dog Show.

Gotta make that Salilyn's Condor kid look strong.

We actually get opening promos before the Raw intro with Brutus thankfully not giving us a sob story and going straight to the point that he's back. Dibiase's promo promises that Brutus' shattered face will be the least of his worries. Jimmy Hart is once again in full Chuckie Finster mode, warning the Million Dollar Man that this isn't such a good idea, but Dibiase is far too confident in his own impending victory.

Commentators for the night are Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, and Rob Bartlett. Vince asks if Bartlett will indeed enter tonight's 16-man battle royal, but he sheepishly declines, concerned about soiling his suit. Shame, I really thought if Bartlett would have entered, he would have won for sure. Or at least got the everlovin' crap kicked out of him.

Opening action is Rick and Scott Steiner against the team of Glenn Ruth and Bobby Who. This is the debut of Mr. Who, who will only be featured in four squash matches over the course of 1993, and as mentioned in the first edition of Taste of the New Generation, Glenn Ruth will later become Thrasher of the Headbangers.

Scott is in what I can only call his "Starburst" attire as he starts in the ring with Ruth. While this is going down, Savage is having mic problems. Headlock, and shoulder block from Scott, and follows with a full nelson suplex just dumping Ruth on his head. Tag to Rick Steiner as Glenn gets the tag to Mr. Who. Belly to Belly and an elbow drop. Tag to Scott who lands a pitch perfect dropkick. Savage is still having microphone issues. Scott racks up Mr. Who, as Rick lands an elbow. Surprisingly that's not the finishing move.

Rob Bartlett mentions he got valentine's candy that was squashed by Yokozuna. Massive clothesline from Rick who tags in Scott who gets a Steiner Screwdriver, and follows with a bulldog from Rick off the shoulders of Scott for the three. Another by the books jobber match.

Gene Okerlund shills Wrestlemania IX, which has yet to sell out at this point, and reminds us that the current main event is Yokozuna challenging Bret Hart. Also added to the card is The Undertaker against Giant Gonzalez, as well as Doink vs Crush, to which we are reminded of Doink's arm foolery. Gene calls this the greatest Wrestlemania of all time. Yeah, about that...

Speaking of Yokozuna, it's time for another squash match. The victim this week is Ross Greenberg. During all this time, Macho Man has not been able to get a new mic. Big collision in the corner from Yokozuna and a belly to belly. They remind us that Jim Duggan was able to knock Yoko off their feet during their encounter previously. This match pretty much is exactly the same as his squash to Bobby Devito two weeks prior. Yoko gets a quick three count in another by the book squash match, as Yoko shouts about Samoa at the camera. Savage does the lord's work and takes away Rob Bartlett's microphone.

It's Lord Alfred Hayes who takes us back to the match between Duggan and Yokozuna, showing us that Hacksaw managed to knock Yoko down with a shoulder block. And like an idiot, he thought he wond the match and celebrates on the top rope, only to be hit with a full bucket of salt, which for some reason doesn't warrant a disqualification. Yoko then gets the banzai drop for the three. Post-match, Yoko gives another drop with the US flag draped over Jim Duggan. Duggan was then carted away. A good segment to give heel heat on Yokozuna. Shame they didn't bother to do this on Raw.

Vince tells us that Giant Gonzalez was going to enter the battle royal coming up, and if he had, the superstars would have had none on it. We go back to Superstars as The Giant Gonzalez destroys three jobbers, one of which was Louie Spicoli, who gets a choke slam for his troubles. Boy, a lot more storyline stuff is happening on Superstars while Raw remains a jobber squash show for the last few weeks.

 It's time for a 16-man battle royal, as Macho Man still has Bartlett's microphone. Entrants include Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, The Berzerker, Kamala, Bob Backlund, Kimchee, "Teriffic" Terry Taylor, Tatanka, Typhoon, El Matador, Owen Hart, Koko B. Ware, Skinner, and more Kimchee keeps sliding in and out of the bottom rope to ensure his lack of elimination. Koko almost eliminaets Michaels until Razor makes the save. Shawn then manages to throw out Koko. Vince once agains shills Quantum Leap.

Lots of pulling and pushing, but no eliminations for a while, including Shawn Michaels once again being nearly thrown out. Skinner does a dance and gets thrown out by Typhoon, Santana rams Razor's head multiple times into the turnbuckle as Damien Demento gets thrown out. The Berzerker dumps out Owen, but survives a throw out attempt from El Matador. Kamala gets a big kick to send Berzerker over the top rope. But with the help of Typhoon, Kimchee gets a chance to throw out Kamala. But Kamala doesn't waste time throwing him over the top rope and giving chase into the crowd as we go to break.

As we return, we're still down to about eight remaining. Kimchee and Kamala are continuing the chase on the balcony. Shawn uses Typhoon's momentum to throw the 400 pounder over the top rope. The match comes down to the final four with Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, Tatanka, and Tito Santana. This match is still infinitely better with zero Rob Bartlett imput. Santana and Tatanka work together on Michaels, ramming him into the turnbuckle, and eventually throw him over.

Tatanka and Santana put focus on Razor, but suddenly Giant Gonzalez arrives and throws the two over the top rope, while Razor gets out of the way. The winner of the battle royal due to pretty much not getting attacked by Gonzalez is Razor Ramon. This was a fun battle royal, though mostly for the antics of Kamala and Kimchee around ringside. The inclusion of Gonzalez felt a little too late. If they wanted him to be dominant, they should have brought him in with six or seven guys left instead of three.

It's main event time as Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake faces off with Ted Dibiase. Every attempt at offense by Dibiase is met with strutting. Macho tells us that Brutus has two people on his side, God and Hulk Hogan. Dibase with a series of blows to the midsection. An Irish whip fails on Dibiase's side as Brutus gets some offense in, sending the Million Dollar Man over the rope as Jimmy Hart tells Ted to take Brutus seriously.

Headlock by Brutus, followed with some more clubs to the face of Dibiase, sending him back out of the ring. Brutus tells Ted to kiss his ass, which adds to Dibiase's frustration. More clubbing shots, as Ted tries to ram the face of Brutus into the buckle, but Brutus gives it to Ted instead. Irwin R. Shyster arrives at ringside, as Jimmy Hart is confused as to why he's arrived. A long headlock by Brutus, but IRS soon lands a shot with the briefcase.

Money Inc focus on beating down Beefcake, much to the concern of Jimmy Hart. IRS grabs his briefcase, and teases hitting Beefcake with the briefcase. Hart tries to stop him, but gets shoved to the outside. IRS lands a wicked hard shot to Brutus as Jimmy Hart goes to the aid of the injured Beefer. IRS hands the briefcase, as Hart tries to get them to stop. Satisfied with their actions, Money Inc take their leave. A stretcher is brought to ringside as Brutus is led away, and some blood is stained on the mat. Vince realizes that "well hey, neither IRS or Dibiase were bleeding, so it must be Brutus' blood".

Vince tells us that Brutus may have a broken nose, but he'll be fine. Vince tells us that this incident could mean the possibility of the return of Hulk Hogan. Oh goody. Also for next week we'll see Tatanka and the Nasty Boys taking on Shawn Michaels and the Beverly Brothers.

This Raw was much better than last weeks. No real standout matches, but there were far less jobber matches, and it focused a lot more on storylines going into Wrestlemania IX. Mainly that of Yokozuna's dominance, the imposing Giant Gonzalez, and Money Inc's issues with Brutus Beefcake that will lead to the return of the Hulkster. In fact, I liked the end segment. The briefcase spot actually looked painful, and it worked to finalize the face turn for Jimmy Hart. The match was really nothing, but it was intended to be more of an angle than a match anyway. For trying to build further into Mania, this Raw did its job well. And hey, we had about 45% less Rob Bartlett, and you just can't be mad at that. So  this Raw gets a solid B+.