Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A Taste of the New Generation: Chapter 3:16: WWF In Your House 9: International Incident

It's Sunday, July 21st, 1996. The box office is still declaring it's Independence Day, 2Pac is spreading that California Love on the Billboard charts and The Daily Show with Craig Kilborn makes its debut. But in the world of the WWF, it's time to get incidental. Internationally Incidental that is. It's In Your House: International Incident from the General Motors Place in Vancouver, British Columbia. Attendance of 14,804 and a buyrate of .37, down significantly from King of the Ring the previous month. Speaking of which, what's been going on since the King of the Ring? Not really much honestly.

King of the Ring ended with Camp Cornette's attempt to ambush Shawn Michaels being thwarted by Ahmed Johnson and the Ultimate Warrior. WWF President Gorilla Monsoon quickly put together a six-man tag team match to main event July's In Your House, featuring the team of Vader, Owen Hart and the British Bulldog taking on WWF champion Shawn Michaels, intercontinental champion Ahmed Johnson and The Ultimate Warrior. However, things would hit a snag when Warrior began no-showing WWF live events and was also laid out by Camp Cornette. Shawn and Ahmed weren't too concerned however as they had a back up third man in waiting, and it turned out to be the returning Sycho Sid. Sid seems to be back on the side of Shawn Michaels, but will this alliance be able to stay solid, or can Camp Cornette capitalize on this shaky trio?

Other than that, this PPV's card feels like a whole lot of filler matches before Summerslam. The people who are feuding on TV are in different matches tonight. Case in point, Mankind, who is still in his feud with The Undertaker, is facing Henry Godwinn. Originally it was against Jake "The Snake" Roberts, who is in a feud with Jerry "The King" Lawler. Undertaker is instead continuing his feud with Goldust, who is in a storyline with Marc Mero. And Marc Mero is taking on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, though considering their issues at the King of the Ring at least have more of a legit reason to be facing off. Other than that we have The Body Donnas continuing their feud with The Smoking Gunns.

Vince McMahon, Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross are at the table tonight. I believe this is the first time we get Lawler and Ross together on commentary, at least in my blog recaps. We open the show with a non-title bout between the Body Donnas and The Smoking Gunns. Why non-title? Because Sunny refused to give her former tag team an opportunity. Conspicuous by her absence, Kloudi is nowhere to be seen. Yep, this mess of an angle has already been dropped. Harvey Whippleman is also the referee in this match, continuing his referee gimmick.

Zip and Skip start with a double back drop and forearms. The Gunns retreat to the outside until Bart and Skip start things off proper. Vince mentions Jake Roberts having rib injuries, which is perfect time for Lawler to go to town on the alcoholism jokes. Arm work early on from both men with Skip keeping the pressure applies. Tag to Skip who hits an ax handle to the shoulder. Fast tags from both Bodydonnas, but Bart recovers with a clothesline and tags in Billy. Body slam and  an arrogant stomp from Billy to Skip. Skip hits a headscissors takedown and goes for a back drop, but gets caught with a rocker dropper.

Billy goes to charge Skip in the corner, but Skip avoids and continues the arm work. Billy rolls out of the ring while Sunny collapses on the floor. The Body donnas check on her, allowing her to slap them and allow the Gunns to get a cheap shot in. Billy press slams Skip face-first into the apron. Cover by Billy only gets a two count. Bart comes in and whips Skip hard into the corners. Skip counters, throws Bart to the buckle and hits a cross body off the top, only to be countered into a powerslam.

 Billy and Bart try a double team with Skip draped on the ropes. Billy tries to jump over Bart, but can't get any air whatsoever. They continue to work Skip in the corner until Skip starts to fight back. However, Billy is quick to drape Skip throat first into the ropes. Bart continues to work the throat with a catapult into the ropes. Tag to Billy who takes Skip back into the corner, then tags Bart back in.

Skip manages to finally escape and roll up Bart for two, then immediately get a body press out of the corner. But his momentum is halted when Bart nails a stiff clothesline. Tag to Billy who dives off the rope, only to get crotched by Skip. Tag to Zip who takes out both Gunns, until Billy trips him. Bart goes for a Sidewinder, but Billy is too busy with Sunny outside. Dropkick by Skip to Bart helps Skip get the pinfall win on Bart. There were some okay moments in this match, but everyone felt off in this match. Some spots were blown, there was some confusion in areas and generally everything felt sloppier than intended.

Mr. Perfect is with Camp Cornette who are in a rage. On the Free For All, there was a confrontation between Jim Cornette and Jose Lothario. Cornette claims Lothario "pulled a switchblade on him" as the two managers almost came to blows. Vader ran in, but Shawn quickly hit the ring to send Vader and Cornette in retreat. Cornette promises that if Camp Cornette doesn't win tonight, he'll refund the crowd tonight. Bulldog says that Diana will be staying in the locker room tonight becuase it'll be so gruesome. Owen says he'll lay out Sycho Sid with his cast tonight. Cornette says that Vader is coming after Sid.

Up next, it's Mankind taking on Henry Godwinn. Mankind doesn't take kindly to Godwinn's pig calls and goes right after Godwinn in the corner. Forearm by Godwinn who hammers Mankind, following up with a powerslam and a clothesline over the top rope. Mankind retreats up the apron, but changes his mind and returns to the ring. He beats down on Godwinn in the corner and grinds Godwinn's face. With Godwinn being from Arkansas, Lawler takes this time to take shots at Bill Clinton. Been a while since commentary was whole hog on Clinton jabs.

Mankind jumps the back and tries a sleeper on Godwinn, but Godwinn escapes. But his recovery is brief as Mankind lands a bulldog and a running elbow drop. Mankind tears his own hair out, giving Lawler time to make some toupee jokes at Vince's expense. Running knee in the corner by Mankind. He drapes Godwinn on the ropes and drops a leg. He then exposes the concrete on the floor and throws Godwinn to the outside. He lands a neckbreaker on the concrete. He Brings Godwinn back in, but Godwinn fights back, taking Mankind to the corner. But Mankind is quick to come back with a clothesline.

He goes for a running attack, but Godwinn avoids, sending Mankind head first into the steel post. Godwinn follows that up with a big clothesline. He calls for a slop drop, but Mankind throws him back out. Godwinn then grabs Mankind and throws him onto the concrete. Mankind recovers and gets in the ring. Godwinn tries a slop drop, but Mankind grabs the ropes and locks in the mandible claw for the win. Not a bad match. Some good stiff work from both men and a good use of the concrete floor with both men taking some rough bumps. And it wasn't too long, making this just fine enough.

We see Brian Pillman at the WWF Superstar Line mocking the Body Donnas saying they're lusting for Sunny. With this being juxtaposed with Sunny hunched over on the other side, breasts a-splayed, this is fitting.

Up next, Stone Cold Steve Austin takes on Marc Mero. Austin starts off with a knee to the midsection and multiple body blows. Both men duck clotheslines and Mero connects with a cross body for two. Mero begins the arm work, slowing things down after a fast first minute. Austin turns things around into a headlock takedown, covering for two. Both men counter holds until Austin gets a knee in. Mero counters a back drop with a kick, and a flurry of punches that sends Austin in retreat.

We see Marlena and Goldust's usher answering questions for America Online while Mero gets a roll up for two. Austin sells a mouth injury like at the King of the Ring and manages to get in an eye poke and a throw through the ropes. Austin drags Mero to the outside and catapults Mero face-first into the post. He sets Mero on the apron and shoves him into the guardrail. Mero gets back in, but Austin sets him up for an elbow drop (though mostly his knee got him). Cover only gets a two count.

Austin drapes Mero on the ropes and goes to drop his weight. Mero avoids, and Austin is smart enough not to drop his groin. Mero manages to slam Austin into the buckle. Austin reverse and gets a boot to the midsection. He goes for a powerbomb, but Mero turns it into a headscissors. We seethe usher and Marlena show up and hand Vince an envelope. Austin and Mero brawl on the outside. Mero hits the apron and hits a really nice moonsault to Austin. He brings Austin back in and hits a slingshot splash, covering for two. Mero lands ten corner punches, then goes for a Call of the Wild, only for Austin to straight up throw him groin-first into the ropes.

Austin tries a Stunner, but Mero counters and hits a slingshot leg drop for two. Austin clips the leg and hits a Stunner, covering for three. This was a pretty solid match. Austin continues to look like a relentless beast in the ring, while Mero held his own and pulled off some really nice spots. And they weaved the continuing angle involving Goldust and Marlena vs Mero and Sable without either getting involved in the match.

Speaking of Goldust, up next it's the bizarre one (with Marlena and the Usher) taking on The Undertaker. Goldust starts the match by stalling on the outside. He gets behind referee Jimmy Korderas, literally sing him as a shield. Goldust goes for the rub, but Taker smacks him, sending him back in retreat. He retreats up the ramp, but then slowly makes his way back into the ring. Goldust drags Taker out of the ring, but Taker comes back with a punch and a chokeslam that sends Goldust ass-first into the steps. He follows that by throwing Goldust into the steps, causing a nice bounce. He then goes to slam the steps on Goldust, but Marlena shields him.

Taker brings Goldust into the ring and lands a choke. Goldust then starts to tears apart the corner turnbuckle, but Taker rams him back into the corner. Eventually Goldus loosens it enough, only to take a stiff clothesline from Taker. Jumping leg drop and a cover only gets two for Taker. Goldust finally gets in offense with knees and strikes, followed by a hard whip to the corner. Taker grabs Goldust by the throat and throws him in the corner, landing stiff body blows. Taker sets him up for old school, the rope walk clothesline, and connects. Body slam by Taker, who tries an elbow drop, but Goldust avoids and throws Taker over the ropes.

Taker is still standing, so Goldust continues to pummel. He grabs Taker on the apron, but Taker counters with a guillotine off the rope. Goldust goes back into the corner and removes the buckle pad. This allows him to throw Taker into the exposed buckle, and keep on him. They return to the outside, where Goldust grabs the steel stairs. He drops them on the back of Undertaker, while the referee was distracted by Marlena. Goldust begins to work in a chinlock, while beating down on Taker some more. Taker soon fights back, landing a boot. He tries a Tombstone, but Goldust avoids, so Taker gets a roll up for two. He ducks a clothesline and lands a big flying variant. He sets up the Tombstone and connects.

He goes to cover, but Mankind literally comes up through the ring and locks in the Mandible Claw, dragging Taker through the hole. Mankind emerges first as smoke billows through. Lights flicker as Taker's music starts to play intermittedly. After a minute or so, Taker ends up emerging out of the other corner of the ring. He knocks Mankind out of the ring and sends him in retreat. As for Taker/Goldust, the match was pretty good, but then again it's been proven that both men have been able to put on great matches between one another. Plus, this continues the feud with Mankind which will continue into Summerslam. Interestingly no continuation on the miscommunication issues with Paul Bearer and Undertaker, but other than that, it was a pretty good match.

Mankind and Taker are still brawling in the darkness, what appears to be the boiler room. No camera can be seen, but Mankind's crazy screams can be heard. While the ring is being fixed, we get a video package for the main event, then an interview with Shawn, Sid and Ahmed. Shawn says that tonight will indeed a gang war. One way or another, they'll put those three cats down. Said says six men enter, but three men survive. Sid is the master, and his friends will be with him in the end. Shawn says that he wouldn't want to be Camp Cornette. Beware of some Sweet Chin Music.

It's main event time. Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson and Sycho Sid taking on Camp Cornette's British Bulldog, Owen Hart and Vader. As if this show couldn't be more crazy, as Shawn high fives fans in the entrance way, the entire guardrail collapses. As everyone makes it to the ring, we get an update from Vince and J.R. that Undertaker and Mankind were brawling into a boiler room, but have since been separated. Vader and Ahmed start things off, even though Vader wants Shawn. So Shawn obliges.

Vader chokes Shawn early on, but Shawn fights back, only to eat a clothesline from the mastodon. Shawn ducks more clotheslines, but gets caught, only to counter with a hurricanrana, a clothesline, and a cross body that sends both men over the top rope. A baseball slide and a plancha of the ropes keeps the big man down. However, Shawn dives off the apron, only to crash into the steel barricade. Vader takes Shawn to the corner with multiple body blows, then follows with a back suplex, only for Shawn to escape and tag in Sid to a strong pop.

Sid lays in some fast kicks and clotheslines to every member of Camp Cornette. He throws Bulldog and Owen over the top and follows with a clothesline to Vader sending him back out of the ring. Owen cheap shots Sid, only to take another clothesline. Tag to Ahmed who hits a series of really scary German suplexes on Owen. Jumping elbow attempt is avoided by Owen who tags in Bulldog. Bulldog pummels on Ahmed, but Ahmed comes back with a spinebuster. He sets up Pearl River Plunge and connects. Cover, but Vader is quick to break the cover. Tag to Vader who slaps Ahmed around, but Ahmed comes back with massive hammering forearms in the corner. Face rake and a splash in the corner brings the momentum back in Vader's favor.

Vader goes for another corner splash, but Ahmed catches him in midair and slams him to the mat. Cover, but only a two count. Tag to Owen who hits a spin kick. He starts getting cocky as the crowd chants "We Want Bret". Ahmed throws Owen to the corner and lands a press slam. Tag to Sid who hits Owen with a massive boot. He takes Owen to the face corner and lays more fists, then a throw hard into the heel corner. This allows Owen to tag Bulldog. Bulldog gets in a kick and hits a massive stalling suplex on big Sid. Vader lands an elbow. Cover by Bulldog, but Sid gets in a massive kickout. Tag to Vader who lands a headbutt and a clothesline.

Tag back to Bulldog who lands more headbutts and body strikes, but Sid no-sells and lands a shot of his own. Tag to Shawn who lands an ax handle. Cover only gets a two. He throws Bulldog in the corner and goes for a shoulder block, but Bulldog avoids, sending Shawn crashing hard into the corner. Bulldog goes to whip Shawn, but Shawn sends him crashing into Vader. Owen tries an elbow, but crashes into Bulldog. Early miscommunication beginning with Camp Cornette. Tag to Owen who Oklahoma rolls Shawn into a cover for two. Shawn rolls him into a cover for two. Owen tries a suplex, but Shawn turns it into another roll, only for Owen to counter for two. Lots of fast covers and counters from both men until Owen gets in a clothesline. Cover only gets a two.

Tag to Bulldog who hits a back body drop and a leg drop, covering for two. He follows that with a powerslam and a cover for two. He goes for a big elbow drop, but Shawn avoids. Owen gets a cheap shot with the cast as Bulldog lands a clothesline. Tag back to Vader who pummels Shawn in the corner some more and throws him super hard into the corner, sending him flying over the ropes. Owen gets in some more cheap shots on the outside then brings Shawn back in for Vader to nail another clothesline. Cover gets a two. Vader begins to choke Shawn out in a long submission spot.

While this is happening, some fan tries to jump the ring, only to be immediately chased off by Bulldog and Ahmed and thrown out of the building by security. Shawn tries to fight, but Vader keeps it locked. With the ref distracted, Vader turns it into a choke hold.  Shawn breaks free, but Vader knocks him down and lands a splash. Only to turn around and get hit hard by Ahmed. Shawn crawls over Vader and goes to tag, but Bulldog tags in and drags him back to the middle of the ring. Bulldog gets Shawn up for a backbreaker, but Shawn slides out, only to be caught again into a Samoan Drop. Shawn ends up in the corner. Bulldog goes to attack, but Bulldog crashes into the corner.

Shawn tries another tag, but Owen comes in and stops it. This leads to both men crashing into each other. Bulldog comes in and goes for the running powerslam, connecting. Cover, but Sid comes in and drops a massive leg drop on Bulldog. Tag back to Vader as Shawn finally tags back in Ahmed. But the referee didn't see it, allowing Camp Cornette to beat down Shawn. Even Jose stupidly distracts the referee. Bulldog holds Owen to dropkick Shawn, but Shawn escapes, causing Owen to hit Bulldog.

 Shawn finally makes it into the corner and falls into a Sid tag. Vader is back in as Sid lands chokeslams on all three members of Camp Cornette. Tag to Ahmed as the faces land double clotheslines on Vader. They then throw Shawn off the buckle, splashing into Vader. As Sid and Ahmed fight with Owen and Bulldog, Shawn grabs Cornette's tennis racket and nails Vader with it. Cover, but Vader kicks out at two. Sweet Chin Music attempt, but Cornette grabs the leg. Jose Lothario punches Cornette out, but Vader lands a Vader Bomb on Shawn to get the win.

A really strong main event. It was long, but never felt too boring or dull, even with all of the face in peril stuff. They did a good job with pretty much everyone in this match. Sid looks more spirited than he's ever been, and the crowd is completely behind him. Ahmed continues to look like a beast with how scary his high impact moves are. Owen continues to play the cocky little guy role excellently, while Bulldog shows his surprising strength, lifting Sid up for the stalling suplex. But the story with Shawn and Vader is the strongest, with Shawn taking the brunt of the brutality of Camp Cornette and still fighting back, even almost having Vader's number, only for Vader to continue to show just how much of a monster he is. As this is our Summerslam main event, this is a good preview of what's to come.

Post-match, the faces attack the heels, with Sid powerbombing the Bulldog and Owen. He goes to powerbomb Vader, but Bulldog and Owen help him escape. Shawn dives over the ropes on Vader and continues to beat down on the big man until Camp Cornette finally makes their escape. The faces celebrate in the ring as the show comes to an end.

But that's not all, Dok Hendrix interviews Gorilla Monsoon, asking about matches for Summerslam. He says that he's already made a match between Mankind and Undertaker in a Boiler Room Brawl. Jim Cornette and Vader interrupt, saying that they deserve a match for the WWF title against Shawn Michaels. Cornette says that they'll wipe the belt of Shawn's waist.

In Your House: International Incident was actually a pretty good pay per view. Granted, this is as stopgap a show as it comes with no championships at stake and a lot of matches that feel like detours until Summerslam, but the in-ring still delivered. Bodydonnas and The Gunns was fine, if not a bit sloppy in places, Sunny still being the MVP of this entire angle. Mankind and Godwinn was a better brawl than expected, while Mero and Austin once again deliver a great match, much like they did at King of the Ring. Undertaker and Goldust was also good, but this simply felt like filler to continue Taker's feud with Mankind. And then there's the excellent six-man tag match where everyone left looking really good, especially Shawn and Vader. While I wouldn't say this show is a must-watch, it's still a great two hours of wrestling nonetheless, worthy of a B+ rating.

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