Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Taste of the New Generation: Chapter 3:16: WWF Monday Night Raw: July 29th, 1996

We open Raw with a recap of the attack on Ahmed Johnson last week by the gladiator garbed Ron Simmons. With a ruptured abdomen, Ahmed won't be here, but his assailant will be. Also tonight Marc Mero takes on Vader, Henry Godwinn faces the British Bulldog, plus a rematch between Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker. But our first match tonight sees Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw facing Sycho Sid, who gets a monster pop as he makes it to the ring. And Sid soaks it all in. He stares down Bradshaw as both men begin a slugest. Massive slaps by Sid followed by some fast boots and a chokeslam.

As Sid plays to the crowd, he doesn't see Bradshaw smash him with the cowbell, causing a disqualification. Bradshaw lands some more stiff elbows as even Uncle Zebekiah gets in some licks. They go to use the bullrope, but Sid ducks and hits a clothesline to both Bradshaw and Zeb. Powerbomb to Bradshaw and a powerbomb to Zeb as the crowd is hot.

Quick interview with Sunny and "The modern day gladiator" Faarooq Assad who says they'll be taking the Intercontinental title from Ahmed at Summerslam. Faarooq says that the next time Ahmed addresses Sunny, he'll address her as "Ms". He promises to give Ahmed a crash course back in time to the way we used to fight. So, is he supposed to be a gladiator that popped into the future or something?

Up next, Vader is in action against "Wildman" Marc Mero. Vader takes Mero to the corner and spits in his eye. Mero rushes, only to get caught with a boot. Suplex escaped by Mero who hits clotheslines and a rolling kick that drops Vader. He goes for a crucifix, rolling it into a cover for two. Vader returns with a clothesline that drops Mero. Vader follows with a wheelbarrow into a facebuster. Mero comes back with body blows until a thumb to the eye takes him down. He follows with yet another clothesline. More stiff shots from Vader and yet another big clothesline. Running splash and a cover, but Mero kicks out at ONE! ONE? REALLY?

Vader comes back with more fists, but Mero wakes up with more punches. An exchange of blows until Vader lands a headbutt. Sable distracts Vader allowing Mero to hit a big running cross body, covering for two. A clothesline over the ropes and a Bad Mood over the ropes. Mero heads up and lands a big ax handle. He goes up for a flying sunset flip, but misses, so he has to slide over for the roll as Vader had to waddle in place. Vader tries to drop weight, but misses. Mero dives again, but gets caught in a slam. Cover and the three in a sloppy match. Mero was way off this evening.

Jim Cornette, very happy with his client's victory, makes it to the ring to call out Jose Lothario, despite what happened last week at International Incident. Cornette says he hasn't forgotten about how Jose put his hands on him last week, and he says he'll be getting even tonight. He says he found out why Jose suddenly returned to the WWF. He was so great that a kid like Shawn Michaels came to learn from him. But after Shawn became a star, Jose became a has been. but when the call came from Shawn to teach him for Wrestlemania, Jose is a somebody. He promises to take it away from him at Summerslam when Vader defeats Shawn Michaels. He calls Jose trash, which leads to Jose grabbing him and saying he'll kick his butt if he messes with him. Cornette tries to hit him with the racket, but Jose smacks him with a punch.

Suddenly backstage, we see that Mankind attacked Shawn backstage, locking in the mandible claw, leaving the champion paralyzed.

We see footage of Aldo Montoya getting the win over Jerry Lawler on Superstars last weekend. Meanwhile, it's time for Henry Godwinn against the British Bulldog. We get an interview from Aldo who accepts the challenge. Since Aldo has been training with Jake Roberts, Lawler then starts to get into the "Jake's a drunk" jokes while he promises to make an example of Aldo next week. He beat Lawler with a DDT last week, he'll do the same next week.

Owen joins the table as he builds up to the Sid VS Bulldog match at Summerslam. Headlock and shoulder block spot to start the match proper. Bulldog tries a monkey flip, but gets caught in a wheelbarrow slam. Cover, but only two as Bulldog rolls out to regroup. An exchange of hammerlocks until Henry escapes and whips Bulldog in the corner. A charge is met with Bulldog escaping and Henry taking it all on the shoulder. Bulldog whips Henry hard into the corner a couple times, but his rush is met with a boot to the face.

Bulldog throws Henry to the outside as Vince asks about Bret returning. Owen doesn't care as he calls him a quitter. Bulldog keeps the pressure on Henry, landing a leg drop to the back of the neck. Cover, but only a two count. Owen talks about the cast on his arm, which he says is still injured despite it being months. After a long chinlock, Bulldog tries for a suplex, but Henry counters with a suplex of his own. After a commercial break, Bulldog is back in control with more strikes to the face. He whips Henry in the corner and goes for a charge, but Henry avoids. Elbow to the face and a cover for only two. Henry calls for a Slop Drop, but Owen knocks over the slop bucket. That distracts Henry long enough for Bulldog to hit a powerslam for the win in a decent enough tv match.

We see some footage of Mark Henry, on his way to the WWF. From him earning a world record for power lifting to the time he slammed Jerry Lawler on Raw after Wrestlemania.

Main event time as Stone Cold Steve Austin takes on The Undertaker. We get a recap of the attack on Undertaker from Mankind at International incident. We get an interview with Mankind from International Incident as he refers to Goldust as "Mommy" and that he's getting very angry. He promises that destruction can be beautiful. As Taker makes it to the ring, we see Mankind in the boiler room

Austin ducks a strike from Undertaker and goes for a headlock, only to be turned around into a choke slam in the corner. Take works the arm. Austin tries to counter, but gets a fist for his troubles. Thumb to the eye from Austin who lays some fists. He slams Taker in the buckle, but Taker no-sells. Austin tries to retreat, but Taker lays him out with strikes and a flying clothesline. Old school rope walk attempt by Undertaker is countered as Austin knocks him intro the ropes. Big elbow on the apron and a rope choke follows. Undertaker comes back with some shots to the throat until Austin gets a cheap low shot.

Austin stomps down Taker in the corner then goes up for an elbow drop from halfway across the ring. Cover, but only a two. Austin continues offense until Undertaker comes back with an uppercut. He wraps Austin in the ropes and lays in some more strikes. Big running boot to the chest as Austin gets freed. Taker hits a body slam and goes for an elbow, only for Austin to escape. He guillotines Taker on the rope and continues with the relentless assault. We see what appears to be Mankind exiting the boiler room as we go to commercial.

Returning from break, we see Austin keeping Taker locked in a chinlock until Taker rakes the face to escape. Taker goes for a back drop, only to be piledrived by Austin. Austin jaw jacks Taker instead of covering. He goes up for the elbow, but Taker sits up. Taker falls on the ropes, which crotches Austin on the buckle. Big chokeslam off the top by Taker.

We almost get a Tombstone by Undertaker, but he notices Mankind and starts to brawl with him up the entrance way. Both men disappear as Austin gets the win by count out. Taker returns and lays Austin with the tombstone. Vince enters the ring to interview Undertaker about next week's battle royal for a title opportunity as well as his match with Mankind in the boiler room brawl. Undertaker says that it's time the reaper enters the serpent's lair. At Summerslam, the boiler room brawl will be where Mankind will finally rest in peace.

Solid enough edition of Raw this week as we see a lot of focus towards the pivotal matches leading into Summerslam. Particularly a lot of focus on Mankind who not only continues his issues with The Undertaker, but also seems to be making his intent to take out Shawn Michaels. Austin and Undertaker was pretty good, a sign that these two work really well together. Mero and Vader felt off in a lot of places, Bulldog and Godwinn was fine, and Sid is over like Rover. All recipe for a B- rating for this week's Raw. 

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