Saturday, December 16, 2017

A Taste of the New Generation: Chapter 3:16: WWF Monday Night Raw: June 24th, 1996

We're one day removed from the 1996 King of the Ring with Stone Cold Steve Austin taking the coveted crown. Tonight, Austin will go one on one with The Undertaker. But opening action tonight is the new Intercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson taking on Hunter Hearst Helmsley (who gets a jobber entrance). Ahmed shoves Hunter off with ease then mocks him. Headlock by Hunter is turned around by Ahmed who begins arm work. Headlock and a shoulder block spot follows. Ahmed continues to twist the head of Hunter in a headlock until Hunter breaks free and tries a hiptoss, only to take a stiff clothesline. Ahmed tries a clothesline over the ropes, but Hunter pulls the ropes causing the champ to take a rough tumble.

Baseball slide by Hunter knocks Ahmed by the announce tables. He follows up by throwing Ahmed shoulder-first into the steps, follows by a throw into the ring post. Hunter brings him back in then goes up top, landing an ax handle to the back. Cover, but only two (a super slow count from Harvey Whippleman).  We get an interview from Goldust who quotes Terminator saying that he'll be back. He made a mistake in saving Ahmed Johnson, but now he'll end it. We learn of his match with Undertaker at International Incident, and he says he's already buried Taker in his own casket, but now he'll bury him.

We return from commercial with Hunter in control. Ahmed fights out of the corner with stiff fists, but Hunter returns with a kick to the midsection. A reversal whip to the corner by Ahmed, but his attempt to hit Hunter misses. Hunter goes up, but this time gets caught in a bearhug atomic drop. Whip to the buckle followed by a powerslam. Cover, but slow as hell counting from Harvey for two. Atomic drop and a spinebuster follow. Ahmed calls for a Pearl River Plunge, but Hunter back drops him.  Hunter lays in some more stiff punches in the corner. He slaps around Ahmed, who collapses to the mat. But Ahmed wakes up and catches Hunter in a super still Pearl River Plunge, covering for the win in a solid match. Nothing special, but Ahmed definitely looked good throughout, despite getting obviously blown up early. 

Dok Hendrix interviews Ahmed (who accidentally calls him Mike) who says he's proud to be the first African American champ in history. He's not defending it for everyone, black, white, red, or green. He gets a bit mumbly when he says how he's going to defend this belt for the people. If "sweet lips" wants some more, he knows where to find him. He'll be in the hood hanging with the homeboys.

Sunny heads to ringside as we get to our next match. It's The Bodydonnas (with Cloudi) taking on Brooklyn Brawler and Jerry Fox. They show some actual fan auditions for the Bodydonnas new manager, which is actually fun. More better a choice than this whole Cloudi gimmick. So, get ready for the next five minutes of nothing of "Eww, how ugly is she?" commentary. Arm work by Zip and an ax handle by Skip as the pair work over a flithier than usual Brawler. Shoulder block by Brawler, but he gets caught in a headscissors from Skip. He follows with a clotheslines.

Tag to Jerry Fox who goes for a headlock, but Skip turns it around into a neckbreaker. Sunny mentions that she's not just working with tag teams, but she is bringing in a singles wrestler, but she's keeping it a surprise. Skip lands a nice suplex on Fox, then follows with some fast leg drops. Tag to Zip who hits a gutwrench powerbomb, then tags in Skip. He sets up Fox up top and hits a frankensteiner as Zip hits a whoopee cushion for the win in an okay squash. Cloudi confronts Sunny who panics and runs off as Cloudi gives chase. She then turns her attention to Lawler.

Up next it's Camp Cornette taking on Aldo Montoya, Savio Vega and Barry Horowitz. A preview of sorts of the upcoming 6-man tag match at International Incident. Owen starts with Horowitz as Barry gets in a hiptoss and a knee. He throws Owen in the corner and lands a monkey flip. Tags to Savio and Bulldog. Cross body by Savio, covering for two. He follows with some fast dropkicks, but Bulldog comes right back to tag in Vader. Stiff headbutts from Vader who then works Savio in the corner with clubbing rights.

Clothesline from Vader sends Savio spinning. Savio ducks a clothesline and hits a crescent kick. He hits another kick that sends Vader into the corner. Tags to Owen and Aldo, but Owen gets the better with a spin kick. Tag to Bulldog who lands a stalling suplex. Tag to Vader who nails a chokeslam on Aldo. Tag to Bulldog who throws Vader into the corner and lands a running powerslam. He doesn't cover, and allows Owen to lock a sharpshooter for the win in a total blowout.

Brian Pillman goes to ringside as Austin readies himself for the match with The Undertaker. Who the hell does he have to talk to to get his goddamn money? He doesn't need to get in the ring, he just has to get in Vince's face to get an answer, which Vince doesn't give him a definitive answer.

Austin attacks Taker from behind and beats down on Taker in the corner. He rams Taker's head into the buckle, but the dead man no sells. He lays in a few strikes and some head rams to Austin in the corner. He whips Austin hard into the buckle and lands a clubbing blow to the back. Jerry Lawler tries to get an answer from Paul Bearer about the accidental urn shot to Undertaker in the match against Mankind last night, but Bearer refuses to speak. Meanwhile, Austin and Taker brawl outside with Taker throwing Austin into the steel post and the steel steps.

He brings Austin back in and chokes him on the middle ring rope, then chokes him with his boot. He throws Austin head-first into the buckle, which sends Austin in retreat outside. He tries to drag Take out of the ring, but gets booted off. Lawler prods Vince about why Bearer refuses to speak, but Vince says that he's just embarassed. Taker throws Austin back in again, and hits a body slam. He goes for an elbow, but Austin avoids. Taker sits right up, but Austin goes in on the punches. He throws Taker into the corner, but eats a boot as we go to break.

When we return from commercial break with Taker hitting an old school clothesline. We get a recap of Austin attempting to use a chair, but taking a boot to the face instead. Austin clips the leg of Taker and begins to stomp on the injured limb. He drags Taker's leg out and smashes it into the post. He follows with some more limb work on the ropes and some stomps. We get a lot of commentary from Lawler mocking Jake "The Snake" Roberts, saying that he's fallen off the wagon after his loss last night.

Austin bashes Taker's leg into the ring apron as the crowd chants "Rest In Peace". Austin locks in a leg lock, then drops an elbow, continuing the pressure. Meanwhile, Goldust and Marlena make their way to the announce position. He promises Undertaker will not rest in peace in their sequel. Taker breaks free of the leg lock and goes for a boot, only for Taker to dodge it and hit a chop block as we go to commercial. When we return, Taker tries a flying clothesline, but Austin ducks. He goes to drop his leg on a draped Taker, but Taker avoids and catches Austin in a chokeslam.

Taker signals a tombstone, but Goldust throws gold dust in the eyes of Taker (though most gets all over Austin, making him super sparkly). Taker beats down on Austin some more until Austin retreats. Paul Bearer seems to nervously celebrate with Taker in the ring as Jerry Lawler gets in the ring and continues to instigate that something is up with Paul Bearer. Taker swats him away as he continues to scream that "It's him! It's him!" As for the match, it was good for our first taste of an Austin/Undertaker match. A bit too heavy on leg work by the end, but with a lot more focus at ringside with the Paul Bearer allegations and Goldust's involvement at the end, it didn't hurt the match too much.

As for the Raw as a whole, this was a solid edition this week. Ahmed and Hunter was a good opener and one of Ahmed's less deadly looking matches. Bodydonnas looked good in their squash, though I still hate the Kloudi gimmick. Good squash match with Camp Cornette to build to the six-man tag at International Incident, and finally Austin and Taker was a great match that continues to build layers to multiple storylines with Undertaker, while still building up Austin to be this ruthless ass kicker. For a post-PPV Raw, this did a good job in continuing momentum as we head into July's In Your House event. Raw gets an A-.

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