Saturday, November 4, 2017

Nitro Charged: WCW Monday Nitro: June 10th, 1996

We are one week away from The Great American Bash PPV with another big two hour edition of Nitro to lead us into the event. In tonight's show, Arn and Flair take on Joe Gomez and The Renegade, Steven Regal takes on Billy Kidman, and The Giant defends his title against Scott Norton. Plus we may also have to deal with the outsiders from the other company as Scott Hall promises a big surprise.

-Scott Steiner VS Booker T-

Opening action tonight will be two members of WCW's biggest tag teams. Steiner brother Scott taking on Harlem Heat's Booker T. Early hair pull by Booker. Headlock and shoulder block spot from Scott, who then tries a back slide, but Booker puts his weight down to block. Scott instead tries for a back suplex, but Booker escapes. Counters aplenty early on until Scott recovers with an underhook suplex. Inverse atomic drop and a clothesline send Booker to the outside. Scott brings Booker back inside, but Booker comes back with a kick to the face. He hits the scissor kick, and covers for a two.
He goes into a facelock, but Scott escapes. Body slam by Booker who follows with a nice flying cross body off the buckle. Cover only gets two. Scott counters a suplex into a reverse DDT akin to the Scorpion Death Drop. Scott blocks some punches and hits a back body drop. He lands some punches in the corner, then tries a whip, only for Booker to counter. Scott gets a boot and a belly to belly. He calls for a Frankensteiner, but Booker avoids, hitting a big wheel kick. Cover, but Scott kicks out. Booker hits a sidewalk slam and goes up for a dive off the top. Scott avoids, then lands a belly to belly overhead. Cover gets the three in agreat opener. Felt super rushed, but it was a fun match nonetheless.

Mean Gene is with Scott Steiner to talk the Bash. The Steiners take on Fire and Ice. Scott says that he and Rick are the #1 tag team in WCW, and promises a winner. Debra McMichael interrupts  saying she needs to speak to Gene. She says that she's been thinking about what's been happening on Sunday as she's worried about what's going to happen to her husband. Steve might go a little crazy and might hurt someone permanently and she feels like it's her fault. Gene assures her that it's not her fault, but she worries nonetheless. She asks if there's a way to get a meeting with Flair and Arn to end this before anyone gets hurt.

-Diamond Dallas Page VS Jim Powers-

DDP is putting his Battlebowl Ring on the line against Jim Powers.  Bit of stalling early until Page gets Powers in the corner and lays some boots. Some exchange of arm work until Page gets in a hair pull. Page mocks the crowd, only to end up rolled up for two. Page argues with the ref, but Powers gets another roll up for two. Powers ducks a clothesline and hits a nice cross body. He slides under Page, but Page comes back with another hairpull. He stomps Powers for a bit, then hits a gutwrench rib breaker. Cover gets a two. He whips Powers in the corner, but Powers comes back with a boot, and ten head rams into the buckle. He gets a knee lift and lands a dropkick. Cover only gets a two. Page turns things around with a Diamond Cutter. Cover gets the three in another decent match that was a victim of being rushed.

Mean Gene is backstage with US Champ Konnan as we get ready for his match with El Gato at Great American Bash. Konnan says that Gato has to prove himself at the Bash, then speaks in Spanish.

-Sting VS Meng-

In a battle of rhymes, it's WCW Tag Champ Sting taking on Meng of the Faces of Fear. Meng takes Sting to the corner and lays in a load of strikes. Sting comes back with a back body drop. Meng avoids a dropkick and hits an elbow drop. He starts to choke Sting, then rakes at hte face. He continues the assault with more stomps and fists. Sting ducks a clothesline and hits a massive cross body tackle, covering for two. Sting follows with some clotheslines of his own and a facebuster. Meng rolls him up for two, then tries ot whip Sting only for the Stinger to roll him up for two. Meng hits a shoulder breaker then goes up for a flying headbutt. Sting knocks him groin-first into the ropes then goes right into a Scorpion Death Lock for the win in another decent, yet rushed, match.

Mean Gene is backstage with Debra and Bobby Heenan as she still wants to discuss this situation. Heenan incinuates that Debra's been with Flair all week, and now they want to talk? He leads Debra into the locker room and slams the door. We hear screams as Debra gets out the door. Flair and Arn chase her off. They run into Gomez and Renegade, and lay them out.

-Hacksaw Jim Duggan VS Squire David Taylor-

We learn during the match that since Gomez and Renegade are out, the main event will now be Flair and Arn challenging Sting and Luger for the WCW World Tag Team Titles. Stalling early on until Taylor gets in a chop. Hiptoss followed by some clotheslines from Hacksaw. Taylor jaw jacks the crowd before coming back in. Knees in the ropes from Hacksaw until Taylor comes in with a knee lift of their own. Hacksaw gets in a clothesline and covers, but Taylor gets his foot on the ropes. He throws Hacksaw into the buckle and lands a European Uppercut. Hacksaw reverses a whip, then, like a cheater, lays out Taylor with the taped fist for the win in another quick match. This one however, I'm not too broken up on being rushed.

Gene is with Jimmy Hart and Big Bubba Boss Man as we recap the hair cutting of John Tenta last week. Hart says that Tenta suffered the consequences. Bubba says that he proved that Tenta is half a man with the haircut. He promises that Tenta won't get any revenge at the Bash.

More Gene as he's out to introduce Scott "Flash" Norton. He recaps the Giant's assault last week. Norton says that he took the chokeslam twice and he's right back in the Giant's face because he ain't scared. This leads us to our WCW Title match

-Scott Norton VS The Giant for the WCW World Championship-

It's hour 2 of WCW Monday Nitro as Bischoff and Heenan take over commentary for our WCW Title match. Both men lay blows in the corner until Giant gains control with a throw and a boot in the corner. Norton hits a few running splashes in the corner, until he eats a boot. The two brawl outside as Norton goes for a tackle, but hits the post. Giant follows with a chokeslam on the floor. He throws Norton in and covers for the win in another fast match. At least he lasted longer than Ice Train.

Luger runs in and starts to attack Giant, but gets thrown out of the ring with ease. He boots Luger and clears out the buffet table. He gets Luger up for another chokeslam, but Luger hits a low blow. He lays Giant with a bucket to the back of the head and leaves as the Dungeon of Doom try to calm the Giant. Luger makes it to the booth and says that the rulebook is out the window at the Great American Bash. He promises more surprises for the Giant at the Bash.

-Lord Steven Regal vs Billy Kidman-

A rematch from WCW Saturday Night sees newcomer Kidman taking on Steven Regal, as he readies himself for Sting at the Bash. Regal attacks Kidman immediately with some uppercuts. A knee drop follows. Kidman lucks out on a dropkick and a roll up for two. He hits a bulldog using the buckle, then goes up top for a 450. Double arm suplex and a lion tamer gets the win quick for Regal. Sting then shows up and slaps Regal in the face. Payback for Regal's slap a few weeks back.

-Public Enemy VS The Nasty Boys-

Grunge and Rocco Rock ambush the Nasties to start as both teams brawl around ringside. Rock throws Saggs' jacket over him and lays in some punches while Knobbs is back in control with a facebuster on Grunge. He hits a clothesline off the second rope while Saggs smashes Rock into the post. Eventually things slow down as Knobbs and Grunge start the match. Tag to Saggs as they beat down on Grunge. Grunge and Rock try a double clothesline, but Saggs ducks and lays them both out. Knobbs comes back in, only to get thrown into the Public Enemy corner. Tag to Rock as the teams brawl around the ring again. Saggs gets a piledriver on Rocco Rock as we go to break.

But more importantly, we're up to week #7 for Glacier vignettes. 

Back from break and Rocco Rock gets an elbow to the face of Knobbs. In comes Grunge who hits a clothesline, then does the cabbage patch. Ax handle from Knobbs who then goes after Rock, causing him to get double teamed as Public Enemy hit a double elbow. Knobbs ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Tag to Saggs who hits a big clothesline in the corner, then lands a slam on Rock. Cover, but Grunge accidentally elbows Rock. More brawling as the Nasties lay both men with clothelsines over the ropes. Rocco Rock comes back with a trash can, but gets laid out by Knobbs.  Pumphandle by Saggs, but Grunge knocks Knobbs off the top. Slow cover gets a two. Saggs trabs the can and smashes Rock with it. referee calls for the bell as they throw the can around. Bowling shoe ugly match that went way too long.

Another video package for Mongo and Greene as they get ready for The Great American Bash. They get visited by their coach "Macho Man" Randy Savage, who helps then in their training.  We splice this with a recap of the actions of last week's Nitro where Heenan joined camp Flair.

-Ric Flair and Arn Anderson VS Sting and Lex Luger for the WCW World Tag Team Titles-

It's time for our main event as the WCW Tag Titles are now on the line. Why Flair and Arn would be rewarded with a title shot after laying out their former opponents is beyond me, but whatever. Wrestling logic. Flair struts around then slaps Sting in the chest early, and gets shoved harder for his actions. Flair chops at Luger, but Luger no-sells and catches Flair with a press slam and a pair of clotheslines. Flair and Arn make their exit to rethink their strategy. However, it just leads to Ric getting press slammed again, and whipped over the buckle, leading to the classic Flair bump and a punch in the face from the Stinger.

Stalling suplex from Luger. He tries an elbow drop, but Flair avoids. Ric rolls over to a tag to Arn, who goes in on the attack. Luger gets a kick and tags in Sting, who sends Arn into the corner. Sting avoids contact and catches Arn with a big fist. Hairpulls from Arn, but Sting no-sells, eventually catching him with a massive facebuster. He then press slams Flair (his third so far). Flair grabs a chair and goes to use it, but changes his mind. Especially when Luger grabs a chair of his own as we go to break.

When we return, Luger and Sting gets some claps on Arn. Arn manages a tag to Ric as he and Sting stare each other down.  Sting no-sells some chops, but Flair avoids the Stinger splash. He goes up top, and of course gets thrown off. Sting heads up and hits a flying clothesline. Cover, but Arn yanks him off. Sting goes for a superplex, but Flair knocks him down. Regardless, Sting manages a nice superplex. Cover, but Arn makes the save. Eye poke from Flair who then tags Arn and allows for the enforcer to work the Stinger with some face rakes. He follows with a massive spinebuster.

Sting manages a knee to the lower extremities of Arn, but can't get to Luger as Flair gets tagged in. Chop and a cover gets only a two. He goes for a suplex, but sells the back, allowing Arn to get a cheap shot in. Sting back suplexes Flair and rolls up, only for Arn to make the save. Figure four is turned into a roll up for two. Punch from Luger sends Flair into Arn's corner as we go to break. When we return, Flair chops Sting outside, then returns to the ring. Sting gets in a sunset flip for two. Flair gets a cover, but Sting tries a backslide, only for Arn to get tagged in.

Arn slams Sting and goes for a slingshot, only to eat some knees. Tags to Flair and Luger, who no-sells Flair's chops and lays in some fists and Flair's fourth press slam. Clotheslines to both men and a powerslam to Arn. Giant makes his way to the ring while Luger lays out the heels. Luger beats down on Giant as the referee calls off the match. Giant hits a forearm, knocking Luger out. Scott Steiner and Sting arrive, bashing Giant with wooden chairs as the faces beat the crap out of the WCW Champ. Jimmy Hart motions to the Giant to leave as the heels make their exit. A decent tag match, just a victim of tired "face in peril" work. Gene talks to the Giant post-match as the Giant promises to leave Luger on a stretcher.

We end the show once again with Scott Hall making his way to the Nitro table to confront Eric Bischoff. Bischoff doesn't want any trouble with Scott, but he does mention the big surprise. That surprise comes up from behind. And it's the former Diesel, Kevin Nash. Nash grabs the mic from Bischoff and immediately botches his promo (this is where the big boys play, huh? Look at the adjective, "Play".) Nash says they aren't here to play. Nobody wants to face them, hence why Bischoff hasn't found three men to face them. Nash threatens to kick Bischoff's teeth down his throat. Where's Hogan? Out doing another episode of "Blunder in Paradise"? Where's Macho Man, doing a slim jim commercial? Bischoff says that he'll be in Atlanta the next day, and promises that at the Bash on Sunday, he'll tell them if he'll get him their fight. Hall and Nash agree, saying they'll be there. They shove Bischoff and make their leave.

This was actually a pretty good edition of Nitro. Definitely moved at a far more leisurely pace than the last episode. And despite a lot of rushed matches, the show still flowed quite well and never felt like a chore to sit through. Save for maybe the Nasties vs Public Enemy, the worst of the night. Other than that, can't complain about the card too much as most of the matches were fine, especially the main event (save for my normal complaints about face in peril stuff). Overall, it felt like a strong show to really build on the upcoming Great American bash PPV. Add in the final segment with Nash's big debut as part of this invasion angle and you have a memorable moment. Even if Nash doesn't know that "Play" is a verb. Overall, it actually got me quite hyped for the Bash, and can't wait to give it a cover. But for now, this Nitro gets a strong A-.


Raw came back better this week with some good matches and a quality segment with Lawler and the Warrior. But I can't say any of it really got me excited for the King of the Ring. Alternatively, Nitro used its two hours quite well to hype almost the entire card, and offered some decent wrestling in the process. It's an easy win #21 for Nitro this week.


September 25th, 1995
October 2nd, 1995 
October 23rd, 1995 
November 13th, 1995
November 20th, 1995 
December 4th, 1995 
December 11th, 1995 
January 1st, 1996
January 22nd, 1996
February 19th, 1996
February 26th, 1996
March 11th, 1996
April 1st, 1996
April 15th, 1996
May 27th, 1996


September 11th, 1995 
September 18th-21st, 1995 
October 9th, 1995 
October 16th, 1995 
October 30th, 1995 
November 6th, 1995 
November 27th, 1995 
December 18th, 1995 
January 8th, 1996
January 15th, 1996
January 29th, 1996
February 5th, 1996
March 18th, 1996
March 25th, 1996
April 22nd, 1996
April 29th, 1996
May 6th, 1996
May 13th, 1996
May 20th, 1996
June 3rd, 1996
June 10th, 1996

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