Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Taste of the New Generation: Curtain Calling: WWF Monday Night Raw: May 6th, 1996

We open the first Raw of May with an "in memory of" package for Ray "The Crippler" Stevens, who had passed away three days prior from a heart attack. This just reminds me more and more of the infamous story that Pat Patterson wanted to induct Ray Stevens into the WWE Hall of Fame only for good old beaver boy Kevin Dunn to nix it because "nobody knows who Ray Stevens is". That's why you educate your crowd you idiot!

We also open with  woman in a silhouette claiming to be an ex-wife of a former wrestler. She says that Shawn Michaels ruined her marriage and her life, much like the claims about Diana Smith, and we'll find out later tonight.

First match of the night is The 1-2-3 Kid taking on Sable's husband. And at ringside with Lawler and Vince is Hunter Hearst Helmsley (with his arm candy of the evening). This stems from In Your House's Free For All match where Hunter attacked Mero during his match with the kid, laying him out with a pedigree. Kid kicks Mero in the corner but is met with a hard punch. Headlock and shoulder block spot by Mero followed by asome leapfrogs and an arm drag. He begins to work the shoulder with some wringers and kicks. He dropkicks Kid over the top rope, then follows with a really rough plancha.

Mero goes for a slingshot over the ropes, but Kid gets his knees up. Kid does some kung fu poses then starts kicking around Mero, including a great corner dropkick. Kid goes into a sleeper hold. He takes Mero down and uses the ropes for leverage. Mero eventually breaks free, only to be caught with more strikes. Mero recovers with a leg whip, only for Kid to catch him with a clothesline. cover, but Mero forcefully kicks out. Fast leg drops from Kid who then returns to the sleeper and continues using the ropes, only to finally get caught. Hunter is arguing with Vince at ringside while Kid goes for another sleeper as we go to break. When we return, Mero is in control with a nice back body drop and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He follows that with an ax handle. Cover only gets a two. He throws the kid forcefully over the top rope and follows with a Bad Mood over the top.

He goes up top, but Hunter yanks Mero on the buckle. Kid takes forever to try for a superplex, but Mero turns it into a cross body for the win. Pretty dull match honestly with a bit too much focus on sleeper spots and only a handful of energy.

Up next, it's The British Bulldog taking on Make-a-Difference Fatu. But first, we have more of the mystery woman. She calls Shawn a homewrecker. Her ex was a wrestler who was on the road a lot. Shawn then started to prey upon her whenever the wrestler in question was out of town. Shawn called her up to discuss a problem, but instead wanted to discuss their relationship. Shawn and her were close and it eventually led to them going to bed together. He was the best they ever had. The next time his husband was in the ring with him, it cost him his match. Shawn never called her again and just used her. And now she sees it happening to someone else and can't let it happen.

Headlock and shoulder block spot from Fatu starts things off while the big man gets in a quick dance. Bulldog rams Fatu into the buckle, but forgot the whole "hard headed Samoan" stuff. Headbutt by Fatu sends Bulldog in retreat and into the arms of Diana. He then tries a test of strength on Fatu, much fo the concerns of Fatu. Bulldog tries a headbutt again, but gets met with one from Fatu. Bulldog then crotches Fatu on the top rope and clotheslines him outside.

This give Bulldog some time to out show off the showstopper. 

He throws Fatu into the steps, then brings him back in. He throws Fatu to the buckle, then tries again, only to be reversed. Massive charge by Fatu is met with the Bulldog avoiding contact.

We see two big guys in suits at ringside as we go to break. One on the left is former Headshrinker Samu, and his brother Lloyd. Apparenty this was a planned angle that never really got off the ground.  Back in the ring, Bulldog has transitioned to a chinlock. Fatu recovers and locks in a sleeper, but Bulldog gets in a low blow, sending Fatu crashing to the outside. With the ref distracted, Cornette gets in a cheap shot. Bulldog hits a slam and tries a leg drop, only for Fatu to recover.

He whips Bulldog and hits a back body drop. Running ace crusher by Fatu who slowly covers for two. Cornette distracts the ref, but Fatu grabs him, and causes Bulldog to crash into Cornette. Bulldog ducks a clothesline and hits a clothesline (with patented Fatu spin). Cover only gets a two. Running Powerslam and a cover wins it for Bulldog in a decent Raw match. Lots of back and forth work, a lot of re-energized momentum from Bulldog, so maybe this angle was worth it after all.

Up next, it's WWF Tag Team Champions The Body Donnas vs... Holy crap Tekno Team 2000 are still around? Travis tags in Troy as the hit a double hiptoss on Skip. Cover only gets a two. Skip throws Troy into Zip's boot while we see Harvey Whippleman of all people in the entrance way. Apparently he's had an issue with officialting here. Nice catapult spot from Tekno Team 2000 as we go to break. When we return, double flapjack by Zip and Skip. We hear from the New Rockers backstage who say they're not nervous, because they're the new rockers.

Tag to  Skip who hits a nice suplex and covers for two, Back and forth strikes from Troy and Skip. Troy tries a corner splash, but Skip avoids. Tag to Zip as the pair hit a catapult suplex. Leg drop to the arm by Skip who works the arm then tags in Zip. They beat down Troy some more, still working the arm. Snap suplex and an elbow drop attempt, but Troy avoids. Tag to Travis who hits some strikes to both men. Scoop slam by Travis, but the donnas get in a sneak tag. Frankensteiner from Skip and a diving ax handle gets the win in another dull match. Good double team work, but nothing else worth noting.

Jim Ross is with Cornette and Vader. We get a recap of Vader's attack on Yokozuna a month ago. Cornette promises that Yoko will never be 100% again. He may have his power and size, but Vader has the speed and heart that he'll never have. On to Duke Droese next week, it's time to take out the trash.

Our main event is next. Owen Hart taking on The Undertaker. But more importantly, Goldust is on commentary. Vince tells Goldust that his match with Undertaker at In Your House is a casket match. This freaks Goldust out enout that the pair start to make their leave. But the familiar them of The Undertaker sends them back.

Stalling from Owen early on, Goldust tries to distract Taker, bute it fails. Owen ducks some clotheslines and starts to pummel, to no effect. Taker throws Owen to the corner and starts to hit strikes. Goldust begins to sound enamored by Taker while Taker continues to choke Owen in the corner. Owen gets in some shots to the leg while Goldust talks about wanting to do things to the urn. Goldust takes his headset off and sneaks behind Paul Bearer.

He feigns kissing Paul before he starts to feel him up. He undoes his tie before starting to unbutton his shirt, sending Bearer in a panic. Goldust gooses Bearer, sending him on the run. Back in the ring, Taker gets in some shots in Owen, but Owen comes back with some more leg work. Owen goes to the top rope with a nice dropkick. He goes for a Sharpshooter, but gets caught into a choke. Big boot, followed by a chokeslam over the ropes. Goldust helps Owen by goosing him, distracting him long enough for Undertaker to get a tombstone piledriver for the win in a match that wasn't that interesting in-ring, but more interesting for Goldust's ringside antics.

Paul Bearer returns to ringside with a gold-plated casket. Goldust backs right into the casket then runs off in a panic.

Not much to really say about this edition of Raw. Highlights were easily Goldust's antics and the Fatu/Bulldog match. Very underwhelmed with the Mero/Kid match, thought the tag match was kinda dull and was let down by the Undertaker/Owen match. Overall, can't quite say this build so far has had me excited for In Your House but with two weeks left, maybe that can change. This Raw however gets a C+. 

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