Sunday, July 9, 2017

Nitro Charged: WCW Monday Nitro: March 18th, 1996

Nitro was supposed to open with Lex Luger vs Loch Ness for the Television Title, but we open instead with the Giant beating down Loch Ness in the entrance way. He chops and rams the big man into the barricade, then follows with some of the ugliest knee lifts ever. Luger's music plays and Lex comes out with both his belts, does his poses to pyro and then just enters the ring. The brawl with Giant and Loch Ness continues as Loch Ness ends up counted out, giving Lex an easy evening. Luger celebrates in the ring like he had a hard fought victory.

He heads to the announce position and says he's on a roll. The shortest title defense in WCW history. Heenan applauds Luger's success and gives a high five.

Tony Schiavone is with Hogan-Sempai and Randy Savage. They're glowing after a few big victories and predict victory at Sunday's doomsday cage match. Savage compares them to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Savage promises victory in tonight's Tornado Tag match. Hogan says that he doesn't care about what's coming out of the Dungeon of Doom, at Doomsday, one cage at a time, bring all the horses and men, because the Mega Powers are going to kick their cans again.

Up next, it's Public Enemy in action against The Steiner Brothers.  Scott and "Flyboy" Rocco Rock open things up. Whip by Scott who goes for a tilt-a-whirl, only for Rock to get an arm drag. A second atempt from Scott turns successful. He then follows with a powerslam as Rock slades into the table. Scott goes to dive at him, but Rocco Rock evades in time. Scott still lands an ax handle. He throws Rocco back in, but Rocco avoids contact and tags in Johnny Grunge. Tag in kind to Rick.

Clubbing blows by Grunge. Rick ducks a clothesline and lands a powerslam. Clothesline flurry from both Steiners as they take send both members of Public Enemy in retreat. Rocco Rock coms back in and throws Rick to the ouside, allowing Grunge to throw him into a plastic chair. He brings Rick back in as Rocco Rock slams him and hits a second rope moonsault, barely connecting on Rick. DDT from Rock who goes back up again.

 Flying cross body turned into a dangerous looking powerslam from Rick. Tag to Scott who sets Rocco on the top and hits a big t-bone suplex off the top rope. Cover, but Grunge breaks it. Scott whips Rock, who hits a moonsault off the second rope. Cover, but Scott kicks out. Tag to Grunge who hits a neckbreaker and covers for two. Clothesline from Grunge who then starts choking. Grunge sets Scott on the top buckle and lays in a few punches, following with a superplex attempt. However, Scott slams him off the buckle. Rocco Rock immediately attacks Scott and knocks him down.

Scott catches Grunge with a belly to belly suplex. Tag to Rick as the Steiners brawl with the Public Enemy. Scott gets the ten count punches until Rock makes the save. Rocco rock tries to hit a flip over the ropes on Rick who is placed on the table, but Scott makes the save, causing Rocco Rock to crash and burn. Steinerizer from the Steiners gets the win in a fun tag brawl.

Up next, it's Arn Anderson (with Woman) taking on the Booty Man. Headlock and shoulder block spot from Booty Man to start. He avoids contact from Arn and struts his stuff. Booty avoids damagr from Arn and then starts ramming Arn into each buckle. Arn tries to escape, but Booty brings him back in. Exchange of shots in the corner with Booty Man winning it out. He whips Arn into the corner, but Arn escapes again. Booty goes after him, but Arn gets in a cheap shot.

He brings Booty Man back in and starts tearing at the face. More clubbing blows to the back and a choke in the ropes. Arn begins to wring the arm of Booty, and hits a hammerlock slam. He then goes for a diving ax handle off the second rope, but Booty gets in a shot to the midsection, following with a powerslam. Big back body drop by Booty Man who continues to beat down Arn in the corner.

We see the "Booty Babe" Kimberly make it to ringside. Woman grabs her shoe and goes after Kimberly. Booty Man tries to stop things, but Arn attacks him with an ax handle. He brings Booty back in, but Booty gets the high knee for the win in a bland match.

Up next, it's the Road Warriors taking on the Nasty Boys. This was supposed to go down last week on Nitro, but as we know the Nastys were attacked and the Steiners took their place. Brawl to stat as Saggs brawls with Hawk on the outside, only to be sent over the arricade. Knobbs hits an ax handle on the outside to Animal. Hawk goes to town on Saggs as we go to commercial break. When we return, things are still out of control as the Nastys hit a double shoulder block on Hawk.

Knobbs goes to the top buckle, but gets shoved off by Animal. Knee lift by Hawk sends Knobbs crashing hard on the barricade. Animal grabs at Knobbs' rib tape and starts choking him with it as Saggs hits him with the same blue plastic school chair we saw in the previous tag match. Animal then attacks them with the chair, before retruning to the ring to hit a shoulder tackle on Knobbs.

The match finally actually starts as Hawk goes in on Knobbs with several splashes. Bit of brawling from both men until Hawk grabs Knobbs by the legs and kicks him in the lower extremities. Tag to Animal who hits a big powerslam and a jumping elbow. Cover, but Knobbs kicks out at two. Big splash from Animal is met by knees from Knobbs. Tag to Saggs who goes after both Road Warriors, but Hawk comes in to stop him. It's another full on brawl from both teams. Suddenly the Steiner brothers go after the Nastyes, and throw a foreign object to the ring. Animal uses it on Knobbs and gets the win as the Steiners brawl some more on the entrance way. A messy, messy brawl is the best way to describe this match.

Main event time. A Texas Tornado tag match pitting Ric Flair and the Taskmaster against Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. So for the third week in a row, we have a tag match main event that is due to be a mess of brawling. Hogan throws Flair and hits a back body drop while Savage grinds at Sullivan. Flair tries to throw Hogan into the barricade, but Hogan grabs a foam Randy Savage hat and covers it over the face of Flair, allowing for plenty of cheap shots.

Flair and Hogan continue to brawl on the outside. Eventually they get back in, but Hogan grabs Flair and throws him off the buckle. Face bity and a whip into the corner, which leads to the patented rope flip bump. Notable boos for Hogan as he turns his attention to Sullivan. He chokes Sullivan with the shirt and a camera cord (like a face would), while Woman rakes the eyes of Savage.  Eye rake and a rake to the back by Hogan who continues to beat Sullivan down. He then takes the damn blue chair and starts bashing Sullivan with it. Flair makes the save, but Hogan stops them both with a double noggin knocker.

All four men finally get back in the ring. Savage ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Hogan throws Sullivan in the corner and hits a clothesline. More brawling as Flair throws Hogan out and Savage knocks Sullivan off the buckle. Flair grabs Savage allowing for Sullivan to hit a flying chop. Figure Four on Savage as Hogan locks on of his own to Sullivan. Savage turns the hold around on Flair, who is forced to break it. Flair then shoves the referee, who doesn't take any guff and shoves him right back.

Even more brawling as Hogan and Flair brawl, while Sullivan hits an atomic drop. Hogan no-sells a back suplex (of course), and takes Flair to the corner. Exchange of blows, with Hogan no-selling the chop and throwing Flair hard over the ropes. Flair hits a low blow on Hogan while Sullivan gets a boot and a back rake on Savage, followed by a throw over the top rope. Sullivan chokes Hogan while Flair continues to attack Savage. Flair then turns his attention to Hogan and throws him into the corner. Hogan blocks a chop and hits several punches. Another big back body drop on Flair by Hogan, but Flair gets a thumb to the eye. Flair grabs the shoe and nails Hogan. Cover, but of course that means it's the hulk-up. I guess he's finally no longer vulnerable to them.

Arn Anderson arrives and trips Hogan, but that's not all. Brian Pillman is back out from the crowd and starts attacking everyone with chairs. The referee calls for the bell as it's just a full on mess at this point (as if it wasn't to begin with.) Booty man comes in to try to even the odds, but Arn motions for someone.

That winds up being FRIKKIN' ZEUS! Along with another giant guy with an outline over his mustache. This is the newly named Z-Gangsta and the... ahem... "Final Solution". Yeah, nobody thought that name might be a tad too on the nose since it's a holocaust reference. This massive man is Jeep Swenson, whose biggest claim to fame outside of this angle is playing Bane in Batman and Robin. Yeah. The new stable sends Hogan's troupe in retreat.

Schiavone is in the ring with the new stable. Sullivan says that they found the people who will end Hulkamania. Hart says that Hogan and Savage aren't Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, they're just Dumber & Dumber. Flair rambles about how Uncensored will be anything goes. Arn says that just when things can't get bigger or badder, but they have. They will make Hogan and Savage slow bleed. They mention that everyone knows what Zeus did to Hogan in the 80s (yeah, in a movie and one angle, Kev). Arn brings a quick mention that Benoit is also back. Flair says that after they put Hogan and Savage in the hospital, he'll bring Elizabeth to see them after she rides Space Mountain. A very, very rambling heel promo to end this episode of Nitro.

This was an insane episode of Nitro. As in a lot of the action felt less focused and far more chaotic with a harder emphasis on brawling tonight. I liked the Steiners and Public Enemy, Thought the Nasty Boys and the Road Warriors was far more of a mess, thought Booty vs Arn was boring, and like the last few weeks felt the main event once again suffered from overbooking, However, i liked the outcome more this week as we bring in more new elements in Zeus and Solution. Sure it just means more bodies for Hogan to kill, but at this point that shouldn't shock me. Plus there was Luger vs Loch Ness. The best match Loch Ness has had in WCW and he never even stepped in the ring. Lex Luger, as it seems to always be the case in these blogs, continues to be the best part of Nitro. So, for a show going hard into Uncensored, this Nitro definitely delivered for a B+ rating.


While Raw was also solid this week with its highlight being the Diesel casket segment, it once again suffered from a lot of the same issues it's been having for the longest time (Mainly Billionaire Ted). Meanwhile, while Nitro continues to be in a holding pattern, this week's show was a far more chaotic and fun watch. Not everything clicked on this episode either, but I found myself more entertained. Or maybe I'm just giving it the win for Luger, who knows? Nitro takes back their lead with a 13-12 lead. 

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