Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Taste of the New Generation: Curtain Calling: WWF Monday Night Raw: April 1st, 1996

24 hours removed from Wrestlemania 12, it's a brand new edition of Monday Night Raw as we start a set of month long tapings in the Orange Pavilion on San Bernardino, California. A hectic evening was the previous night's show which saw the boyhood dream finally come true for Shawn Michaels. Shawn is the new champion, while former champ Bret Hart is going to be taking a sabbatical for a while. Not to mention the sunset has approached two of the WWF's top stars as they're nearing their exit to WCW. So, what does that mean for the champ? As we loom closer to the infamous "Curtain Call" let's see how this edition of Raw goes down.

Opening action for this edition of Raw is Bob Holly taking on the debuting Mankind. Decked in a dirty brown outfit and a Hannibal Lecter-esque face mask, he makes his way into the ring. The bell rings and Mankind starts in on some cheap shots and fake rakes, while squealing like a pig. Punches in the corner (with patented Foley "Dish! Dish! Dish!" noises). He then hits a knee to Holly, then stops to pull out some of his own hair. Holly comes back with some strikes and an elbow off a whip. Exchange of strikes until Holly succeeds with a nice dropkick.

Cross body by Holly is ducked by Mankind who follows with a stun gun of sorts into the apron. Fans are already well aware of Mankind's past as "He's Hardcore" chants can be heard from the audience. Holly comes back in as Mankind continues to work down Holly in the corner. He sets Holly in a tree of woe position and hits an elbow drop to the head.  He pulls out some more hair and says that "It's time". He uses his "mandible claw" finisher, sticking his taped fingers down the throat of Holly, which gets the win. Mankind came out to deranged evil music, but exits to beautiful piano music. A strong debut for Mankind who already feels like a great addition to the show in his first appearance. But we're far from talking about Mick tonight.

But we're not done with in-ring debuts tonight as up next is the Raw debut of Marc Mero. We see Sable in the crowd as we get ready for Mero's match with Isaac Yankem D.D.S. And already the focus is on Sable as commentary is transfixed on her. Yankem shoves Mero a couple times to start, but Mero hits a dropkick that sends Yankem out of the ring. He hits a flip over the ropes and follows with a sloppy slingshot leg drop over the rope. Cover only gets a two. Headscissors from Mero and a knee lift. He goes up top and hits a double ax handle. Cover still just gets a two count.

Hunter is at ringside with Sable as Yankem takes control of Mero, throwing him into the buckle. Nice back suplex from Yankem who covers for two. Chinlock as Hunter tries to talk to Sable some more. Crucifix pun by Mero still only gets a two count. Stiff punch from Isaac followed by some more strikes. Mero flips out of a back suplex and rolls Yankem up for two. Mero gets a knee to the face and strikes down Yankem some more. He goes up and hits a flying sunset flip for the three in a messy debut. Some good spots, but Mero looked kind of sloppy in his Raw debut. Post-match, Sable slaps Hunter and leaves with Mero as Helmsley is in a rage.

We get a video of Ed Begley Junior who's advertising some sort of April Fools Weekly World News special for the USA network after Raw. I was not expecting to see him on an episode of Raw.

Up next, the new WWF Tag Team champions the Body Donnas take on Barry Horowitz and Aldo Montoya. The Body Donnas will defend their tag titles in a rematch against the Godwinns at In Your House 7. Lots of low and chest shots on Sunny, who as we know is the winner of the "Best Buns" Slammy.

Quick exchange from Zip and Aldo to start things off. Tag to Skip as Zip tries to punch Aldo, but almost catches Skip. Headlock takedown and a double headscissor by Aldo, looking the best he's looked in years on this blog. Zip back in as well as Barry. Another quick exchange as both men try leg trips to no avail. Tag to Aldo who hits an ax handle to the arm of Zip. Tag to Skip who gets a knee to the back of Aldo. Barry accidentally distracts the ref as the heels hit a double flapjack. Snap suplex from Skip who tags Zip. Knee drop and a cover only gets a two. Tag back to Skip as they pummel Aldo in the corner.

Skip throws Aldo to the outside. Aldo gets to the apron as Skip tries a suplex, only for Aldo to suplex Skip over the ropes to the outside and follow with a nice diving cross body off the top. Tag to Barry who gets a high. He cradles Skip, but Sunny distracts the ref long enough for Zip to make the save. Tag to Aldo who hits a nice dive off the top, covering for two. Skip catches Aldo in a German suplex for two. Skip catches Aldo in a spinebuster then sets Aldo up top. Tag to Zip as Skip hits a nice hurricanrana and Zip hits a whoopee cushion for the win in a really good, surprisingly competitive tag match. Definitely Aldo's best showing on the blog, like I said.

Vince is in the ring with the new WWF Champion, Shawn Michaels. Vince asks for a reaction for Bret, which is really mixed. Shawn says he's pranced on God's green earth, and now he's danced in God's blue heaven. Last night was the single greatest moment in his life and he has the Kliq to thank for it (Oh you definitely do). He didn't know how he could have gotten back up, but the people picked him back up every time. He thanks each and every one of them for being with him last night.

Vince mentions that next week Shawn Michaels will take on Jerry Lawler, but also next week on commentary will be Diesel. We recap the chair shot on Shawn in the Garden two weeks ago. Shawn talks about how we've heard about Bret Hart, who made a believer out of him, and he will always be a champ in his eyes. He wants Bret and the Hart family to know that Shawn Michaels promises to wear the belt with the honor and dignity and class that Bret did in the past. On the subject of Lawler (who gets "Burger King" chants) he promises that he'll send the "Burger King" back to the "White Castle" (Ha, fast food quips). On the subject of Diesel, they used to be like Skipper and Gilligan, but that ship is sunk. They were good friends, now bitter enemies (hence the PPV nickname) and at In Your House, Big Daddy Cool will be eating some Chin Music and the Kliq are going to dance all over his face.

Main event time as Undertaker is in action against Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw. Bradshaw cheap shots Taker early and gets in some strikes. Boot from Taker who ducks a clothesline, only to be caught by a powerslam. Taker sits up, as he would, only to be hit with a stiff clothesline and an elbow drop. Bradshaw knocks Taker out of the ring as we go to commercial.

When we return, Bradshaw catches Taker in a sidewalk slam, covering for two. Bradshaw climbs up top and hits a nice diving shoulder tackle. Cover still only gets a two. Bradshaw dives again, but Taker catches him with a powerslam. Hard whips to the corners from Taker, but Bradshaw hits another stiff lariat. Big boot from Bradshaw who takes a while to do anything. Taker ducks a clothesline with a flying one of his own. Chokeslam by Undertaker connects. He signals for the Tombstone Piledriver and connects.

But suddenly, Mankind jumps in the ring and starts to attack Undertaker, causing a DQ. He knocks Taker out of the ring and bashes him into the barricade and into the steps as Taker takes a massive jump over. No wonder the guy had knee problems. Mankind runs off the apron and hits a massive elbow drop. He then locks in the mandible claw on Undertaker as referees call for the bell. Officials pull him away from Taker as Paul Bearer checks on his client. Mankind continues to assault Undertaker until he is finally dragged away to the back.

For the first Raw coming off Wrestlemania, this was a really strong show. No bad matches at all with logical booking throughout. I was pleasantly surprised with the Body Donnas vs Aldo and Barry, thought Mero had a decent (if not a bit sloppy) debut, and enjoyed the Undertaker's match with Bradshaw which was surprisingly competitive and not-so-surprisingly stiff as hell. Shawn's promo was fine, if not a bit too long. But the real star of this episode was Mankind who after months of build had a first night that definitely lived up to the hype. He had a good squash against Holly and cemented him as an important player on his first day in a feud with Undertaker that I'm actually looking forward to covering. It all makes for a great episode of Raw. Worthy of a strong A rating. 

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