Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Taste of the New Generation: Days of Diesel: WWF Monday Night Raw: August 14th,1995

We open Raw with a recap of the fracas from last week as Shawn Michaels was attacked by Mabel. Despite the fears that this will put his title in jeopardy at Summerslam, he's still going to take on Jerry Lawler on this edition of Raw. Lawler says that Shawn may be one blow away from the end of his career. What King Mabel started, King Lawler will finish tonight.

Raw is live in the Worcester Auditorium in Worcester, Massachussetts for the next set of tapings heading into Summerslam. It's Vince McMahon and Ted Dibiase this week as Lawler is in action tonight. Dibiase says that Sid is livid over being screwed over for the Intercontinental title match and Dibiase's not responsible for what happens.

Opening action is Doink taking on Waylon Mercy. Noticeably absent is Dink, who left the WWF in the spring of 1995. Doink avoids the handshake trick and hits a few arm drags, sending Mercy in retreat. Mercy tries to get into the ring, but Doink headbutts him out. He goes for another, but Mercy sends him tumbling out of the ring. Vince mentions that Henry Godwinn will be in action later on, to which Dibiase states that he is not a member of the Million Dollar corporation. Doink comes back in and hits some strikes in the corner until the official stops him. Waylon lands a left and a hard clothesline. Sleeper gets the win for Waylon Mercy in a bland squash.

We get our first actual vignette for Goldust. He talks about Hollywood in front of an obvious green screen. He talks abot how dreams are made and lives are shattered. You have your Bogarts, Cagneys and Marilyn Monroes. However, there's a difference between those stars and the legend of Goldust. They were cloned to stardom by writers and directors, and he was born a star by pure talent. It's an okay, creepy whispery promo, but I'm more transfixed on the big Tiny Toon Adventures sign in the background. I really should be watching that right now.

Henry Godwinn comes to ringside, not particularly happy about the comments from Dibiase. Dibiase tries to calm the situation down, and offers to take Godwinn backstage to negotiate. Godwinn however would rather negotiate Deliverance style with having Dibiase get on his knees and squeal like a pig.

And gets a bucket full of slop for his troubles. 

We get aa pinch hitter for Dibiase on commentary as Dok Hendrix joins Vince at the table. Up next, it's The Smoking Gunns taking on Bill Garrett and Tony Wade. Shoulder block by Bart and a hiptoss (Garrett looked to sandbag a bit). Dropkick by Bart, who tags in Billy. Billy gets some strikes on Garrett, who tags in Tony Wade. Tag to Bart, who tags in Billy as we get the side winder to score a quick win for the Gunns.

It's the Report Card with Dean Douglas. This week, the lesson is execution. Particularly one Excellence of Excecution, Bret Hart. He shows a clip of Bret dropping an elbow off the second rope, which isn't an act of excellence, but rather cowardice. He shows the lack of a grapevine by Bret on the legs of Jimmy Del Ray, and then proceeds to argue with referee Tim White. He gives Bret a grade of F to Bret and calls him the foundation of failure.

We get an interview with Shawn Michaels, and he focuses on Lawler, saying that Lawler should be concerned less with how Shawn's feeling, and more about how he's going to feel, because all the king's horses and all the king's men won't stop Shawn from gyrating again.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley is in action next against Brother Nero. USA Network shill of the week: Stop! Or my Mom Will Shoot. Jeff is wearing some funky pink, yellow and black tights. Some chops in the corner by Hunter. Jeff avoids contact after a whip, and hits a dropkick. He goes for a flipping senton, but misses as Hunter lays in some stomps. Vince shills their partnership with America Online (oh my god this is dated). Hunter hits a hard elbow to the face, takes a bow and lands a pedigree for the win in another basic squash.

It's the Summerslam Insider for this week. The card is filling up with some strong matches, and some really odd choices for big PPV matches.

Diesel defends the WWF title against King Mabel

Shawn Michaels defends the Intercontinental title against Razor Ramon in a ladder match

Bret Hart vs Dr. Isaac Yankem D.D.S

Alundra Blayze defends the Women's title against Bertha Faye

The Undertakr vs Kama

Barry Horowitz vs Skip

1-2-3 Kid vs Hakushi

We get some more Henry Godwinn as he's in action next against Russ Greenberg. Greenberg ducks a clothesline, but gets caught with a power slam. Godwinn drapes Greeberg on the second rope and drops a leg on him. Slop Drop gets the quick win for Godwinn. Post-match, Godwinn is far from done as he has already refilled his bucket of slop.

And gives Greenberg the Dibiase Treatment. 

It's time for another trip to Isaac Yankem's office as Lawler and Yankem delight in drilling and needling a woman's mouth. It's so disturbing that they cut to McMahon and Hendrix cringing. Lawler promises that Yankem will drill his way to the top, starting with Bret Hart at Summerslam.

It's main event time as Jerry "The King" Lawler goes one on one against Shawn Michaels. But Barry Didinsky is more focused on watching Savio Vega and 1-2-3 Kid playing pog-errr, Mad Caps. Featuring Lex Luger, Bob Backlund... Lou Albano... Mr. Fuji? Really needed to fill those 66 caps quota somehow.

Shawn ducks a clothesline and escapes the ring, tripping Lawler. Shawn gives some high fives up the entrance way and returns to the ring. Shawn escapes a corner and trips Lawler again. "Burger King" chants rain as Shawn gets a right hand and a back body drop. He follows with a second, but Lawler turns it into a piledriver, which Shawn no-sells. Sid shows up at ringside and grabs the Intercontinental title as Lawler throws Shawn to the outside.

We return from break with Shawn back in the ring and Lawler hitting a suplex. He drops a couple fists as the referee is concerned the fists are closed. He lands another DDT and continues to mock the audience and Shawn. Nonchalant cover only gets two for Lawler. Scoop slam by Lawler who heads to the top rope for a splash, but Shawn escapes. He kips up and lands some rights to the King. He lands a clothesline. Following with a body slam, Shawn goes up top, landing a picture perfect elbow. Shawn tunes up the band for Sweet Chin Music, and connects.

Sid immediately enters the ring and gets a cheap shot on Michaels, followed by some boots and a chokeslam. He sets up another powerbomb, but Razor Ramon comes to Shawn's aid, knocking the big man with some rights. Shawn goes for Sweet Chin Music, but Razor shoves him out of the way and tries to hit Sid with a Razor's Edge, only for Lawler to make the save, sending the heels in retreat.

Shawn and Razor finally come to a heated confrontation as we get a tug of war with the belt. There's so much trash talk and anger that not even Diesel can cool things down. We've gone full Kliq chaos in the ring to end this week's edition of Raw.

Overall, a pretty decent episode of Raw that did a decent job is fast tracking the booking heading towards Summerslam. We get our first major interaction between Michaels and Razor as we near their ladder rematch. The Michaels/Lawler match was nothing special, but it offered some good heel work from Lawler and Michaels continues to come off as an energetic babyface. It was a good night for Henry Godwinn as he seems to be getting a face push. We got our first glimpse at the bizarre nature of Goldust, while getting some quick, bland squashes by Hunter, Waylon and the Gunns. In the end, it was enough to warrant a B rating for an average, but solid enough in areas, Raw.